3 Quotes & Sayings By Charity Tahmaseb

Charity Tahmaseb has been a writer for over 20 years. Her articles have appeared in publications such as "The Guardian," "The Houston Chronicle," and "The Houston Post," and she has been published in a number of anthologies. She is a six-time winner of the Houston Press' People's Choice Award, and she has been named Hometown Business Woman of the Year by the Greater Houston Partnership. An active volunteer, Charity previously served on the Board of Directors for the Houston Food Bank and on the National Board of Directors for America's Promise Alliance, an organization dedicated to improving education and economic opportunity for all youth Read more

She is an avid world traveler, having visited over 40 countries.

Uh-oh, " Moni sang, and nodded her head in Chantal's direction. "I think someone's a wee bit upset with us." She turned and walked a few steps backward." Careful, " I said. "We're not out of range."" Have no fear, Super Brain is here." Moni whipped out her calculator, holding it up like a shield." What are you going to do, daze her with denominators?"" Maybe. But first I'm going to pummel her with my Pythagorean theorem. . Charity Tahmaseb
Genius or jock, it didn't seem to matter. Boys were born with a gene that kept girls, no matter how smart they might be, from understanding them. Charity Tahmaseb